SEPTEMBER 21, 2016


A.    Organizational Matters

I.               Call meeting to order

II.              Attendance—PRESENT: K. Mejia, L. Daily, J. Surace, A. Niles, D. Glenn

III.            Minutes-Approve Minutes of July 2016 Board Meeting — K. Mejia - motion; J. Surace - 2nd

a.     Board approved minutes of July 2016 Board meeting

IV.            Financial Statements- Monthly financial report – Treasurer not in attendance, so financial report will be made in October 2016 mtg.

V.             Policy/Reporting Review:  Internal Controls, Investment Report, Operations, Performance Measures, By Laws Review, Procurement Policy —A. Niles - motion;  D. Glenn - 2nd.  Board approved suite of reporting memos and policy amendments presented by Executive Director as reviewed by corporation counsel.

VI.            Proposal for amended procedures for NCLB 2017.  Madeline and Diana presented vision for adjusting the programmatic goals and work for NCLB in order to enhance community engagement and to transfer liability from NCLB while achieving same goals of returning property to tax rolls and responsible, productive ownership.  Diana prepared a handout that highlighted the land Bank’s current processes and where Madeline and Diana believe that there is room for improvement. No motion is required, this is just the start of conversation about how the Land Bank will be evolve over time and how to start planning for the next OAG RFP for 2017.


B.    Property-Related Matters

I.               Property Progress Updates

II.              167 N Miller Proposal—Kaelin 

a.     K. Mejia, D. Glenn and other board members raised the question of whether homeownership might be a priority for this block and the implications of a proposed investment project on this block might not best serve community interests.  There were also some concerns about the quality of property management.  Madeline agreed to reach out to the proposed purchaser to get feedback on the concern about property management while board would also consider and look into prioritizing homeownership as a policy in this neighborhood/block.  Development budget and financial resources are reasonable. Matter to be tabled for later board meeting.

III.            164 N Miller Proposal—Wilson

a.     Basil Wilson is a small scale contractor licensed in Westchester county who proposed to purchase this property for owner occupancy with his daughter.  Each would have one unit in the two family building.  The purchaser proposes to do much of the work himself to save costs. Mr. Wilson was present and talked about his qualifications and his desire to be a homeowner in Newburgh and to own a place for his daughter to also own. Madeline and Diana confirmed that the scope of this building is relatively low compared to other projects and the budget and resources seem appropriate.  Because of the interest in fostering homeownership on this block, the board all agreed that this is an appropriate proposal. D. Glenn, K. Mejia discussed importance of homeownership and supporting this type of purchaser. L. Daily agreed that homeownership is important.

b.     J. Surace – motion; K. Mejia - 2nd.  All voted in favor of purchasing.