FEBRUARY 21,2017


A. Organizational

1. Meeting Called to order at 5 PM

2. Members present: J. Surace, D. Potack, K. Mejia, L. Daily, A. Niles, D. Glenn

3. Minutes: D. Potack made motion to approve February 2 Special meeting minutes, D. Glenn seconded and all approved the motion.   D. Potack made a motion to approve the January meeting minutes, K. Mejia seconded the motion and all approved the motion.

4. Reporting update: Madeline confirmed that all reporting for PARIS is complete and the board training schedule was reported to the ABO to comply with Public Authorities regulations.

5. March 15 retreat—will begin at 10 AM per request by D. Glenn and M. Fletcher to allow them to attend a meeting at Pattern for Progress regarding Lander Street.

6. Board of Directors and Officers.  Following slate of officers and directors proposed:

Lisa Daily, Chair; A. Niles, Secretary; David Potack, Treasurer to continue to serve in their roled.  P. Halayko to serve as Vice Chair.  Kevin White and David Potack who are serving an unexpired 2 year term through July 6, 2017.  Paul Halayko, Joe Surace and Andrei Niles to continue to serve an unexpired term started July 5, 2016 through July 5, 2018. 

J. Surace makes a motion to approve the entire slate proposed. A. Niles seconds and all approve the motion.


B. Property–Related

1. Property Progress- updates—Closings on RUPCO and balance of Dubois St Associates properties.  Inventory down to about 24 properties.

2. house to Home Progress update—about 30 people toured the 53 and 55 Farrington homes after significant outreach. Only about 4 families submitted applications and enrolled in the homebuyer education program which will determine their ability to obtain a mortgage, etc.

3. South Street Revitalization Project—Austin Dubois and Pete Berman propose to partner with the land Bank on the acquisition and redevelopment of the Bedrosian properties on South St between Lander and Liberty. 8 total buildings. Land Bank would acquire through funds available through the IDA and hold and manage until financing is secured within 24 months to do full development.  NCLB would assist with accessing other grant funds. J. Surace makes a motion to negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement for the next board meeting. D. Potack second the motion and all approve.

5. Downing Park Urban Farm RFP went out for proposals returnable before next board meeting.  Individuals and groups eligible to apply.  Seeking simple, achievable plan for 2017.  Ogden Foundation is funding 4 youth employment positions with materials and training.

6.  Diana and Burke review the concept for Creative Placemaking and expanded approach of managing vacant property to include demolition and salvage, arts installations and public workshops, etc.

7. 15 ½ Overlook Pl—Resolution ratifying the sale for $7500 to Habitat for Humanity for long-term affordable homeownership development. D. Potack makes a motion to pass the resolution and D. Glenn seconds. All approve.


Next meeting March 28, 2017 at 4 PM